MOHAMMED AND CHARLEMAGNE New York (Columbia College 1922), Cambridge (1924), Mont- pellier (1929), Algiers (1931), ^ Cairo (X934); and also in Rome, at the Institute historique Beige (i933)- Further, while the preset^story^ was in preparation, he wrote a number of papers dealing with various details: "Merovingians et Carolingiens" (time beige de Ptilologit et d'Histoire, II, 1923), "Le commerce du papyrus dans la Gaule m&ovingienne" (Comptes rendus de I'Acadtrnie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Paris, 1928), ^instruction des marchands au Moyen Age" (Annaks d'Histoire tconomique et socide, I, 1929), "Le tresor des rois merovingicns" (Festschrift tilHalvdan Koht, Oslo, 1933)> "De 1'fcat de Imstruction des laiques £ l^poque m&ovingienne "(Revue Bfatdictine, 1934). And he expounded his theory in the first chapters of his "Villes du Moyen Age" (1927), as explaining the economic and social evolu- tion of the centuries following' on the fall of Rome, The volume which my father completed on May 4th, 1935, is therefore the climax of many years of research. But although it contains all the author's ideas, it would not, had he lived, have been given to the public in its present form. It was my father's custom to write all his books a second time. In the first version he put the book together regardless of form; it was k some respects a rough draft. A second version, which was not a mere revision of the first, but an entirely new text, gave the work that objective and deliberately reticent form behind which he chose to conceal his own personality. This first draft was written for himself; urged on by the ideas which he was in haste to express, it often happened that he did not complete the construction of a sentence, so that it thus assumed a schematic aspect, or he ended it with an irregular stroke of the pen, comprehensible to all those who have heard how often, when speaking, he dropped the last few words of a sentence, in his impatience to pursue an idea that outstripped his speech, ^ The references were indicated in a summary fashion, and some- times my &the* even contented himself with indicating one of Msfiles. 10